What needs to be done...

Goal Setting, Planning, and Enterprise Architecture

- Develop agency goals and strategies

- Define information sharing/intelligence needs

- Implement Fusion/Intel Center Operations

- Implement service-oriented architecture

- Apply DODAF, FEAF, and JRA principles

- Assure compliance with security/privacy policy

- Achieve ISO27001 cyber security compliance

How things need to be done...

Business Process Analysis and Requirements Definition

- Conduct operational/business analysis

- Develop operational CONOPS and policies

- Document business process and workflow

- Develop business and technical requirements

- Implement information security management

- Develop performance measures and indicators

- Identify performance improvement opportunities

Making it happen...

Project Management and Performance Assessment

- Establish effective program management

- Manage information technology projects

- Provide oversight of ongoing projects

- Intervene in troubled technology projects

- Develop leadership/problem-solving skills

- Identify innovative technologies

- Evaluating operational success/outcomes

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