
25.09.2012 Counterpiracy, NATO, piracy, Somalia Comments Off on To solve piracy at sea, we must address root problems ashore in Somalia

To solve piracy at sea, we must address root problems ashore in Somalia

Personal for SACEUR, Admiral Stravidis:

I saw on the NATO Allied Command Operations (ACO) Website Link of the Day that you are attending a the Counter Piracy Working Group today in London, England. I thought I would share a piece of work that I out together a while back that suggests a menu of activities (a 360 degree approach) for reducing piracy at sea. The activities in the diagram below point to initiatives that can be launched in a number of political, military, economic, social, infrastructure, and information infrastructure (PMESII) categories, ashore and at-sea. I hope they can help guide some of the discussion at your meeting today.


Chuck Georgo